Keywords: Plenoptic function b.svg en Parameterizing a ray in 3D space by position x y z and direction θ φ Own work by uploader designed to replace original bitmap en Image Plenoptic-function-b png but with clearer labeling Qef 2007-07-10 Other fields M + metapost-source prologues 3; beginfig 1 ; pair orig; orig 5cm 5cm ; axisposlen 3cm; axisneglen 1cm; z1 orig - axisneglen 0 ; left end of x axis vectorang 65; z2 orig - 1cm dir vectorang; start of vector line z3 orig + 3cm dir vectorang; end of vector line axes pair axisend; axisend1 orig + axisposlen 0 ; draw z1--axisend1; label rt btex x etex axisend1 ; axisend2 orig + 0 axisposlen ; draw orig - 0 axisneglen --axisend2; label top btex y etex axisend2 ; axisend3 orig + axisposlen dir 45; draw orig - axisneglen dir 45 --axisend3; label rt btex z etex axisend3 ; pickup pencircle scaled 4pt; drawdot orig ; dotted line for phi angle z4 0 8orig z3; z5 x4 ypart orig + 0 5cm ; linecap butt; pickup defaultpen; draw z4--z5--orig dashed evenly; theta and phi labels and their curves angdist 0 8cm; z6 orig + angdist up; draw z6 right orig + angdist dir vectorang ; label lft btex \theta etex z6 ; z7 orig + angdist right; draw z7 up orig + angdist unitvector z5 - orig ; label bot btex \phi etex z7 ; vector pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; linecap rounded; drawarrow z2--z3; label ulft btex x y z etex orig ; label rt btex L x y z \theta \phi etex z3 ; endfig; end mpost fig mp ps2pdf -dEPSCrop fig 1 fig pdf pstoedit -page 1 -dt -xscale 2 -yscale 2 -f sk fig pdf fig sk inkscape -z --vacuum-defs -f fig sk -l fig svg Qef Optics diagrams Raytrix Plenoptic |