Keywords: Pl.13-19-Dorsifulcrum cephalotes (Walker, 1869) (syn.- Dorsifulcrum chapinaria Holland, 1920).jpg la Dorsifulcrum cephalotes Walker 1869 syn Dorsifulcrum chapinaria Holland 1920 1920 http //www archive org/stream/lepidopteraofcon00holl page/n250/mode/thumb Holland W J 1920 Lepidoptera of the Congo Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 43 109 “369 pls 6 “14 William Jacob Holland 1848 “1932 in 1920 Custom license marker 2013 10 10 PD-old PD-US Holland 1920 Lepidoptera of the Congo Uploaded with UploadWizard Dorsifulcrum cephalotes |