Keywords: Peter Paul Rubens 052.jpg Gemäldezyklus für Maria de' Medici Königin von Frankreich Szene Vermählung Heinrich IV und der Maria de' Medici in Florenz The Wedding by Proxy of Marie de' Medici to King Henry IV 1622 “25 Rubens depicts the proxy marriage ceremony of the Florentine princess Marie de' Medici to the King of France Henry IV which took place in the cathedral of Florence on October 5 1600 Cardinal Peitro Aldobrandini presides over the ritual however since Henry IV was too busy to attend his own wedding the bride's uncle the Grand Duke Ferdinand of Tuscany stood in his place and is pictured here slipping a ring on his niece's finger - 1622 1625 Oil on canvas cm 394 295 Institution Louvre Aile Richelieu 2ième étage salle 18 La Galerie Médicis 000PE008769 Historienmalerei Auftraggeberin Maria de' Medici urspr für die Galerie im Palais de Luxembourg in Paris 21 Gemälde zum Leben der Königin Pendant zur geplanten Galerie zum Leben Heinrich des IV die nur teilweise ausgeführt wurde accession number http //www artflakes com/en/products/p-dot-p-rubens-vermaehlung-der-maria-medici PD-old-100 other versions 100px The Wedding by Proxy of Marie de' Medici to King Henry IV Rubens |