Keywords: Paul Cézanne - The Murder - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project oil on canvas Provance France 1839 Provance France 1906 Paul Male 407366 Cézanne French 1839 - 1906 /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/artwork/the-murder-paul-cezanne/416244/ Paul Cézanne /artist/paul-c C3 A9zanne/4125011/ 4125011 /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/ Walker Art Gallery Liverpool 346008 11/28/2011 4 28 04 PM /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/artwork/the-murder-paul-cezanne/416244/ 1867 Paul Cézanne; murder; Goya; darkness; violence; palette knife; brutal; men; attacking 640 416244 False 1870 without frame 3/24/2012 1 00 46 AM WAG 6242 http //www liverpoolmuseums org uk/walker/collections/19c/cezanne aspx Walker Art Gallery National Museums Liverpool Purchased with the assistance of the Art Fund in 1964 painting 1860 1880 w810 x h640 cm 1867 - 1870 False 1 23076923076923 Object the-murder-paul-cezanne The Murder m 810 tag_/_style Paul Cézanne; murder; Goya; darkness; violence; palette knife; brutal; men; attacking special url_id QgFHUh8XXI0eFQ PD-old-100-1923 1906 Paintings by Paul Cézanne Google Art Project works by Paul Cézanne 1860s paintings in the United Kingdom Paintings in the Walker Art Gallery Liverpool Murder in art |