Keywords: Pappophorum vaginatum (as P. apertum) LS-1897.png en Pappophorum vaginatum Buckley - whiplash pappusgrass Listed as Pappophorum apertum Scribn in the manual 1897 http //128 2 22 159/HIBD-Image/DBART-06010/HIT-1600/6010 1699 jpg Hitchcock-Chase Collection of Grass Drawings courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh Pa on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution / for Lamson-Scribner American grasses illustrated Bull Div Agrostol U S D A 7 240 1897 Fig 222 Frank Lamson-Scribner 1851-1938 PD-USGov Pappophorum vaginatum Manual of the grasses of the United States |