Keywords: Oudin electrotherapy outfit.jpg Oudin coil therapy equipment used in the Victorian-era medical field called electrotherapy from about 1900 to 1930 The Oudin coil right is a spark-excited resonant transformer circuit similar to a Tesla coil which generates very high voltage low current high frequency electricity A handheld electrode attached by a wire to the coil's high voltage terminal at top produces streamer arcs which were applied to the patient's body to treat various medical conditions The induction coil center produces a potential of 2 - 15 kV which powers the Oudin coil oscillator which generates 200 - 1000 kV at a frequency of 200 kHz to 5 MHz The switchboard left contains the interrupter power supply which produces the pulsing DC current which powers the primary of the induction coil The couch foreground was called an auto-condensation couch Its metal back acted as a capacitor plate to apply the currents to the patient's entire body The return path for the current was through the ground electrodes on the arms which the patient would grip High frequency therapy was not generally painful for the patient because currents of this frequency do not cause the sensation of electric shock <br/><br/> Caption Complete installation for high frequency treatment comprising switchboard with dipper-break coil Oudin-Dean resonator and couch for auto-condensation 1903 Retrieved December 5 2014 from http //books google com/books id GdU0AQAAMAAJ pg PR2 Chisholm Williams 1903 High-Frequency Currents in the Treatment of Some Diseases Rebman Ltd London frontispiece on Google Books Chisholm Williams other versions PD-old-70-1923 Uploaded with UploadWizard Oudin coils Electrotherapy ImageNote 1 856 151 182 306 1156 1330 2 Oudin coil ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 876 577 138 191 1156 1330 2 Leyden jar primary capacitors ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 382 480 444 147 1156 1330 2 Induction coil to power the Oudin coil ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 140 480 197 138 1156 1330 2 Mercury interrupter breaks primary current to induction coil ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 80 129 293 326 1156 1330 2 Power panel to control primary current to induction coil ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 13 684 1123 546 1156 1330 2 Condensing couch for applying high voltage to patient's entire body ImageNoteEnd 6 |