Keywords: Oamaruhistoric.jpg Part of the Historic Precinct on Tyne Street Oamaru New Zealand All six of these buildings are listed with the New Zealand Historic Places Trust own picture/en wikipedia org Grutness PD self -45 103488 170 969816 region NZ-OTA_heading 45 Original authors Source en wikipedia org Upload Tool Operator Flominator Flominator Image contributor s Grutness 10 29 26 July 2005 Grutness 850×596 130 215 bytes <span class comment > Part of Oamaru New Zealand 's Historic Precinct pd </span> en English Wikipedia Grutness Oamaru Facades in New Zealand Office buildings in New Zealand Oamaru stone Stone buildings in New Zealand NZHPT Category I listings in the Otago Region NZHPT Category II listings in the Otago Region ImageNote 1 538 137 276 397 850 596 2 Former Exchange Chambers 13 Tyne St ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 368 341 155 165 850 596 2 Darling McDavell Limited Stock and Station Agents 11 Tyne St ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 262 144 111 341 850 596 2 Smith's Grain Store Former 9 Tyne St ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 220 300 43 187 850 596 2 Union Offices Former 7 Tyne St ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 108 304 106 180 850 596 2 Criterion Hotel Corner 3-5 Tyne Street and Harbour Street ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 29 341 72 123 850 596 2 Connell and Clowe's Store Former corner 1 Tyne Street and Harbour Street ImageNoteEnd 6 |