Keywords: Nitric Oxide Synthase.png Nitric Oxide Synthase http //www rcsb org/pdb/explore/explore do structureId 3N5P Protein Data Bank Converted to png using JMOL 4/4/11 Delker SL Xue F Li H Jamal J Silverman RB Poulos TL Role of zinc in isoform-selective inhibitor binding to neuronal nitric oxide synthase <u>Biochemistry</u> 2010 Dec 28;49 51 10803-10 doi 10 1021/bi1013479 Epub 2010 Dec 7 http //www rcsb org/pdb/static do p general_information/about_pdb/policies_references html Data files contained in the PDB archive ftp //ftp wwpdb org are free of all copyright restrictions and made fully and freely available for both non-commercial and commercial use Users of the data should attribute the original authors of that structural data PD-link http //www rcsb org/pdb/static do p general_information/about_pdb/policies_references html Oxidoreductases Iron compounds Metalloproteins |