Keywords: New floral guide (16862238251).jpg New Floral Guide Spring 1901 <br> 105 <br> Cobea Scandens <br> COBEA SCANDENS <br> A choice slender-growing Climbing Vine very desirable for <br> porch or veranda and also for window culture; has hand- <br> some foliage begins to bloom quickly and continues loaded <br> with beautiful bell-shaped flowers the whole season The <br> flowers are green at first but quickly change to a beautiful <br> deep violet blue A well-established plant will run 30 to 40 <br> feet in a season In planting place the seed edgewise cover <br> lightly and water sparingly until the plants are out of the <br> seed leaf Pkt 12 seeds 4 cts <br> CENTROCEMA GRANDIFLORA BUTTERFLY PEA An entirely <br> new climbing vine of great beauty ; begins to bloom quickly and <br> bears large cluster of pea-shaped flowers from early June till cut <br> down by frost The flowers are quite large very fragrant and borne <br> in profusion from June until October ; the color is rosy purple and <br> creamy white very handsome and attractive six to eight feet high <br> Seed shovild be soaked in water over night and planted early in <br> Spring where it is to remain Pkt 4 cts <br> CANARY BIRD FLOWER A very pretty climbing vine belonging <br> to the Nasturtium family It is a quick handsome grower of grace- <br> ful habit has finely-cut leaves and bears a profusion of lovely golden <br> yellow fragrant flowers bearing a fancied resemblance to little ca- <br> nary birds Will grow ten or twelve feet high and blooms all the <br> time Very nice for window garden porch or trellis Pkt 5 cts ; <br> oz 35 cts <br> CYPRESS VINE A well-known and very beautiful vine with delicate <br> fern-like foliage and lovely star-shaped flowers rose scarlet and <br> white ; plant when weather is warm Pkt 3 cts ; oz 20 cts <br> GYPSOPHILA or ANGEL'S BREATH This is a very pretty annual <br> that should be in almost every garden for it thrives everywhere and <br> makes lovely sprays to go with all kinds of flowers whether RoseS <br> Carnations Dahlias or anything else Its tiny little flowers are borne <br> in great profusion on long graceful branching stems very beautiful <br> for cutting and a great favorite wherever seen Pkt 5 cts ; J oz <br> 10 cts <br> GYSOPHILA PANICULATA or BABY'S BREATH Entirely dif- <br> ferent from the above and very pretty a hardy perennial maybe left <br> in ground over Winter and will come up again in the Spring Pkt 5 cts <br> NEW CELOSiA Ostrich Plumed <br> Makes nicely branched plants two feet high each stem <br> crowned with a large fiery-red feathery plume very showy <br> and handsome Pkt 4 cts <br> COCKSCOMB QUEEN OF DWARFS This is the finest dwarf <br> Cockscomb in cultivation ; grows only eight or ten inches high and <br> bears immense heads of bloom ten to twelve inches across ; deep <br> rich velvety crimson exceedingly brilliant and handsome Pkt <br> 4 cts <br> COCKSCOMB Finest varieties mixed Pkt 3 cts <br> BACHELOR'S BUTTON Double Nearly all the flowers from the <br> seeds we offer are double or semi-double much larger and finer than <br> the old kinds and of many new and bright colors Finest mixed <br> Pkt 4 cts ; oz 20 cts <br> CALENDULA The following improved varieties of the old pot mari- <br> gold are very brilliant and handsome and highly valuabled for beds <br> and borders Seeds sown in the open ground comes quickly into <br> bloom and continues covered with bright handsome flowers till <br> killed by frost <br> ORIOLE or Large-Flowering Bright Yellow Extra large very double <br> flowers bright glowing yellow very rich and beautiful Pkt 6 cts <br> METEOR Large double flowers deep canary yellow elegantly <br> striped with orange Pkt 4 cts <br> CALENDULA Fine double mixed pkt 4 cts oz 8 cts <br> New Fragrant Candytaft Empreia <br> Neiv Celosia Ostiicli Plumed <br> NEW FRAGRANT CANDYTUFT EMPRESS The Candy- <br> tuft is well known as one of the prettiest and most useful an- <br> nuals The Empress is the newest and best variety ; bears <br> large heads of pure white fragrant flowers all through the <br> season Pkt 6 cts <br> CANDYTUFT White Pkt 4 cts ; oz 20 cts <br> CANDYTUFT HARDY A handsome compact-growing <br> hardy perennial Blooms quickly and is excellent for beds <br> and borders Pkt 6 cts <br> CANDYTUFT White Purple and Crimson Mixed Pkt 4 cts ; <br> oz 20 cts 42484267 134532 67120 Page 105 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484267 1901 10 1111/j 1469-7998 1865 tb02381 x Conard Jones Co West Grove Pa ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Calendula NameConfirmed Calendula EOLID 59414 NameBankID 25725 NameFound Celosia NameConfirmed Celosia L EOLID 38393 NameFound Cobea NameConfirmed Cobea NameBankID 8616215 NameFound Cobea scandens NameConfirmed Cobaea scandens EOLID 6359727 NameBankID 1672054 NameFound Gypsophila NameConfirmed Gypsophila EOLID 59327 NameBankID 2646576 Biodiversity Heritage Library New floral guide 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Nursery stock Plants Ornamental Roses Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42484267 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484267 Conard Jones Co Flowers West Grove PA Conard Jones Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library west grove pa conard jones co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-19 Check categories 2015 August 23 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16862238251 2015-08-23 23 50 38 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 New floral guide 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by FĂŚ using a script |