MAKE A MEME View Large Image New floral guide (16675779890).jpg 0 The Conard Jones Company West Grove Pa <br> I n Choice Selected Ever-blooming Roses 1 H <br> 1 U GOOD GROWERS FREE BLOOMERS BRIGHT DISTINCT COLORS 1 U <br> PER LE DES JARDINS ” Not new but one of the ...
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Keywords: New floral guide (16675779890).jpg 0 The Conard Jones Company West Grove Pa <br> I n Choice Selected Ever-blooming Roses 1 H <br> 1 U GOOD GROWERS FREE BLOOMERS BRIGHT DISTINCT COLORS 1 U <br> PER LE DES JARDINS ” Not new but one of the most <br> beautiful deep Yellow Roses in existence Makes grand <br> buds and tne open flowers are extra large perfectlj- <br> double and dcliciously sweet; the color is pure rich Golden <br> Yellow the plant is a healthy- grower an earh- and con- <br> stant bloomer Does well in open ground and is one <br> of the mo ;t aluable for forcing for cut flowers ž <br> 10 cts each; larger size 15 cts postpaid y ' <br> two-year size 30 cts by express <br> Perle des Jardins <br> MME LUCIEN LINDEN ” A charming new Rose large <br> pointed buds and large double well-filled flowers; color <br> loveh- golden blush shaded 5-ellow bright nasturtium red <br> centre ver - beautiful a strong vigorous grower with hand- <br> some foliage 15 cts each; larger size 20 cts post- <br> paid; two-year Mze 35 cts by express <br> WHITE BOUGERE-A grand new Rose of <br> iffiWlllpX reat depth and substance rich creamy <br> llji-J 11 -white and\erv sweet; makes beauti- <br> ful buds Similar to Bougere in <br> _e\erv wa\ except color A valu- <br> able acquisition to our U'hite <br> c Roses It is a strong <br> igorous grower and free- <br> bloomer 15 cts each; <br> larger size 20 cts <br> postpaid; two-year <br> size 35 cts each <br> by express <br> MAD RENE GER- <br> ARD ”A lovely new <br> Ever-blocmiug Rose <br> of rare and exquisite <br> beauty; large full <br> flowers and long <br> pointed buds; deep <br> copper\- -yellow pass- <br> ing to fine jSasturtium <br> led delicately shaded <br> ith crimson and rose <br> \ new and ver\' beautiful <br> combination of 'charming <br> ' £W - 1- 1 ' ' iF' Jj colors not often seen A good <br> - - A health grower and a constant <br> bloomer extra fine 15 and 20 <br> ct«» each postpaid; two-year <br> size 35 ts by express <br> MARLE GUILLOT ” A <br> piiie siiow '-white Rose; <br> 1 irge and full flowers <br> a constant bloomer <br> one of the best for <br> planting in the <br> open - ground ; <br> 111 bloom; and always <br> - atistdctoi-v 10 cts each <br> i/t 15 cts two-year size 30 cts <br> h express <br> QUEEN S SCARLET ” A rich \elvety scarlet very <br> bright ind hand'-ome strong upright grower hardy <br> and Mgorou' bloom-- constanth all Suiiimcr and Fall 10 cts <br> each; lai ger size 15 cts postpaid; two-year size 30 cts <br> by express <br> OUV DE J B GUILLOT ” An extra fine ne\ Tea Rose of a new <br> and\er3 brilliant color \\ hich \aries trom a bright coppery red <br> according to season and temperature Flov ers are large full and <br> \er s et It is a free and ccmstant bloomer and promises to be <br> \aluable acquisition 15 cts each; larger size 20 cts each post- <br> l aid two-jear size 35 cts bj express <br> BARONNE BERGE ” Well described as a most lo\ely Rose large full <br> flower- \en double and sweet color bright ros\ red with clear golden- <br> 5 ellow centre xer full and continuous bloomer plants begin to bloom <br> while \er\ joung grand for beddiiie \er\ bright and s \eet scented 10 cts <br> each; larger size 15 cts each postpaid; two-year size 30 cts each by <br> express <br> FURSTIN HOHENZOLLERN ” New attractive and very <br> rare; color exquisite lilac rose on ochre ground; a fasci- <br> nating combination seldom seen; has a delightful but <br> delicate fragrance A vigorous grower and good bloomer <br> 15 cts eacb; larger size 20 cts postpaid <br> MAD MARTHA DUBERGE ” Extra large finely formed <br> buds large and full flowers color delicate cream pink <br> elegantly flushed with rose; verv sweet A neat compact <br> grower and constant bloomer; very beautiful 10 cts <br> each larger size 15 cts postpaid; two-year size <br> 30 cts by express <br> SPECIAL OFFER <br> This Set of 10 Choice Ever-Blooming Roses <br> only 95 cts ; Larger Size 1 30 Postpaid <br> Two year Size 2 50 Packed to Express here <br> NOTE ” WE PAY ALL POSTAGE ON ROSES AND PLANTS SENT BY MAIL but when sent by Express the <br> purchaser pays the Express Charges Two-year Roses should always go by Express unless to very distant points as <br> we can send larger and better plants in this way and when packed with the tops on and some earth on the roots they <br> arrive in the best condition to grow and bloom quickly 42484182 134532 67120 Page 20 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484182 1901 10 1111/j 1469-7998 1865 tb02381 x Conard Jones Co West Grove Pa ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library New floral guide 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Nursery stock Plants Ornamental Roses Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42484182 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484182 Conard Jones Co Flowers West Grove PA Conard Jones Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library west grove pa conard jones co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-19 Check categories 2015 August 23 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16675779890 2015-08-23 23 56 00 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 New floral guide 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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