Keywords: Minice Kralupy nad Vltavou ME CZ statue of St John Nepomucene 126.jpg Pražská ulice a baroknà socha sv Jana Nepomuckého na jihozápadnÃm nárožà ohradnà zdi kostela sv Jakuba VÄ›tÅ¡Ãho v MinicÃch pÅ™edmÄ›stà Kralup nad Vltavou okres MÄ›lnÃk Statui nechal zÅ™Ãdit vlastnÃm nákladem minický farář Josef Karysl 1739 opravována byla v letech 1788 a 2003 Statue of St John of Nepomuk at SW corner of wall surrounding church of St James the Great in Minice suburb of Kralupy nad Vltavou Czech Republic First mentioned in 1352 this is the oldest preserved building within limits of present town and its historical cultural hub The statue was commissioned by local parish priest around 1730 Church of Saint James the Greater Minice Statues in Kralupy nad Vltavou Statues of John of Nepomuk in MÄ›lnÃk District Pražská Kralupy nad Vltavou |