Keywords: Median and Average Sales Prices of New Homes Sold in United States Monthly from 1999-2009.png en A graph showing the Median and Average Sales Prices of New Homes Sold in United States It shows the monthly data from 1999 through 2009 It should be noted that the sales price includes the land This graph is made using the data from The graph was made in excel I Smallman12q talk created this graph based on the tables provided by the US Census Bureau at http //www census gov/const/uspricemon pdf http //www mediafire com/ 7si89zm84plx3 Graph file 13 32 5 January 2010 UTC Smallman12q talk File Median_and_Average_Sales_Prices_of_New_Homes_Sold_in_United_States_Monthly_from_1999-2009 pdf The data is as follows center style background f0f0f0; Date center style background f0f0f0; Median center style background f0f0f0; Average - Jan-99 153 100 182 900 - Feb-99 160 000 191 400 - Mar-99 157 300 189 300 - Apr-99 159 900 192 200 - May-99 154 400 187 900 - Jun-99 159 300 193 900 - Jul-99 158 200 189 100 - Aug-99 154 800 193 100 - Sep-99 163 200 194 800 - Oct-99 161 100 200 200 - Nov-99 172 000 211 500 - Dec-99 164 800 202 100 - Jan-00 163 500 200 300 - Feb-00 162 400 199 200 - Mar-00 165 100 204 900 - Apr-00 162 600 207 300 - May-00 164 700 200 000 - Jun-00 160 100 197 700 - Jul-00 169 000 202 200 - Aug-00 166 600 200 200 - Sep-00 171 500 208 300 - Oct-00 176 300 215 100 - Nov-00 174 700 210 700 - Dec-00 162 000 208 100 - Jan-01 171 300 209 000 - Feb-01 169 100 211 000 - Mar-01 166 300 210 200 - Apr-01 175 200 205 500 - May-01 175 300 211 400 - Jun-01 179 400 211 700 - Jul-01 175 000 209 300 - Aug-01 173 700 207 500 - Sep-01 166 400 203 300 - Oct-01 171 300 207 100 - Nov-01 168 100 206 900 - Dec-01 180 200 228 700 - Jan-02 187 100 226 900 - Feb-02 191 100 226 500 - Mar-02 183 400 227 100 - Apr-02 187 100 228 100 - May-02 181 000 226 500 - Jun-02 190 600 225 200 - Jul-02 175 600 217 800 - Aug-02 178 900 221 300 - Sep-02 177 500 215 300 - Oct-02 189 200 231 300 - Nov-02 181 200 227 100 - Dec-02 197 600 237 800 - Jan-03 181 700 230 200 - Feb-03 187 000 233 400 - Mar-03 185 100 231 100 - Apr-03 189 500 237 200 - May-03 195 500 243 700 - Jun-03 187 900 239 700 - Jul-03 190 200 248 400 - Aug-03 190 500 241 000 - Sep-03 192 000 254 500 - Oct-03 194 100 242 800 - Nov-03 207 100 268 300 - Dec-03 196 000 253 900 - Jan-04 209 500 262 100 - Feb-04 219 600 264 100 - Mar-04 209 600 261 000 - Apr-04 222 300 269 300 - May-04 211 700 260 400 - Jun-04 215 700 263 200 - Jul-04 212 400 279 200 - Aug-04 218 100 272 200 - Sep-04 211 600 269 200 - Oct-04 229 200 289 600 - Nov-04 224 500 283 200 - Dec-04 229 600 284 300 - Jan-05 223 100 283 000 - Feb-05 237 300 289 100 - Mar-05 229 300 289 600 - Apr-05 236 300 289 100 - May-05 228 300 287 400 - Jun-05 226 100 279 600 - Jul-05 229 200 289 300 - Aug-05 240 100 295 000 - Sep-05 240 400 299 600 - Oct-05 243 900 293 600 - Nov-05 237 900 294 400 - Dec-05 238 600 290 200 - Jan-06 244 900 301 000 - Feb-06 250 800 307 900 - Mar-06 238 800 298 800 - Apr-06 257 000 310 300 - May-06 238 200 293 900 - Jun-06 243 200 305 000 - Jul-06 238 100 311 300 - Aug-06 243 900 317 300 - Sep-06 226 700 296 200 - Oct-06 250 400 306 800 - Nov-06 240 100 291 800 - Dec-06 244 700 301 900 - Jan-07 254 400 314 600 - Feb-07 250 800 321 500 - Mar-07 262 600 329 400 - Apr-07 242 500 311 700 - May-07 245 000 309 700 - Jun-07 235 500 306 500 - Jul-07 246 200 307 100 - Aug-07 236 500 301 300 - Sep-07 240 300 292 200 - Oct-07 234 300 310 100 - Nov-07 249 100 316 800 - Dec-07 227 700 284 400 - Jan-08 232 400 284 600 - Feb-08 245 300 301 200 - Mar-08 229 300 287 600 - Apr-08 246 400 314 300 - May-08 229 300 298 200 - Jun-08 234 300 299 400 - Jul-08 237 300 301 900 - Aug-08 221 000 265 500 - Sep-08 225 200 287 100 - Oct-08 213 200 274 000 - Nov-08 221 600 290 100 - Dec-08 229 600 263 100 - Jan-09 208 600 245 200 - Feb-09 209 700 258 600 - Mar-09 205 100 259 800 - Apr-09 219 200 269 800 - May-09 222 300 274 600 - Jun-09 214 700 274 800 - Jul-09 214 200 271 100 - Aug-09 207 100 257 800 - Sep-09 213 500 289 200 - Oct-09 209 400 255 900 - Nov-09 217 400 280 300 - Smallman12q en Original upload log en wikipedia FtCG page en wikipedia Median_and_Average_Sales_Prices_of_New_Homes_Sold_in_United_States_Monthly_from_1999-2009 png wikitable Date/Time Dimensions User Comment - 14 50 12 October 2011 2 136 × 1 022 22 953 bytes Smallman12q w en <nowiki> Wrong chart </nowiki> - 14 45 12 October 2011 1 066 × 557 54 228 bytes Smallman12q w en <nowiki> Updated </nowiki> - 13 48 5 January 2010 2 136 × 1 022 22 953 bytes Smallman12q w en <nowiki> A graph showing the Median and Average Sales Prices of New Homes Sold in United States It shows the monthly data from 1999 through 2009 It should be noted that the sales price includes the land This graph is made usin </nowiki> Diagrams in English Housing in the United States |