Keywords: Marcel and Rene Hanriot-1911.jpg Early french aviator René Hanriot and his son Marcel in a Hanriot monoplane 1911 TITLE Marcel Hanriot and father CALL NUMBER LC-B2- 2047-13P P REPRODUCTION NUMBER LC-DIG-ggbain-08299 digital file from original neg No known restrictions on publication MEDIUM 1 negative glass ; 5 x 7 in or smaller CREATED/PUBLISHED no date recorded on caption card NOTES Forms part of George Grantham Bain Collection Library of Congress Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards Temp note Batch two loaded TOPICS Air pilots FORMAT Glass negatives REPOSITORY Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington D C 20540 USA DIGITAL ID digital file from original neg ggbain 08299 http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/ggbain 08299 CARD ggb2004008299 PD-Bain Aviators from France 1911 in aviation Hanriot monoplane René Hanriot Marcel Hanriot |