Keywords: Map after Ptolemy's Geographia (Burney MS 111, f.77v).jpeg Arabiae Desertae pars The western half of the southeastern portion of the Fourth Asian Map from a Greek manuscript edition of Ptolemy's Geography depicting the western half of Arabia Deserta Ἀραβία Ἐρημου κὰι Βαβυλονίας Θέσις μερος Ἀραβίας ρημου μερος Institution British Library map date other fields Information field British Library Shelfmark Burney MS 111 f 77v other versions <gallery> File Map after Ptolemy's Geographia Burney MS 111 f 74r jpeg Northwest portion Cyprus File Map after Ptolemy's Geographia Burney MS 111 f 74v jpeg Central western portion Syria Roman Palestine File Map after Ptolemy's Geographia Burney MS 111 f 77r jpeg Southwest portion Arabia Petra; North central portion Roman Mesopotamia File Map after Ptolemy's Geographia Burney MS 111 f 78r jpeg the eastern half of the southeastern portion depicting eastern Arabia Deserta Babylonia File Map after Ptolemy's Geographia Burney MS 111 f 80r jpeg Northeast portion Assyria </gallery> PD-old print date British Library image ark /81055/vdc_100000001311 0x0000a6 A collection of maps in Greek after Ptolemy's Geography warp status wikidata location wikidata title Uploaded with GWToolset Map after Ptolemy's Geographia Burney MS 111 f 77v http //www webarchive org uk/bldatasets/MapImages/Pelagios/PtolemyGeography/burney_ms_111_f077v jpeg British Library Maps Collections Burney MS 111 077 Ptolemy's 4th Asian Map 1420d Maps in Greek 1420 maps ImageNote 1 4131 869 1236 275 5378 6853 2 ραβίας ἐρημου κὰι βαβυλονίας θέσις <br> Arabías Erēmou kài Babylonías Thésis ImageNoteEnd 1 |