Keywords: Lunarparallax 22 3 1988 svk.png Mesačná paralaxa 22 marec 1988 10 42 UTC<br /> Poloha Mesiaca v blízkosti Plejád zo štyroch meist na Zemi This is the Slovak modification of Image Lunarparallax 22 3 1988 png created by en user Tomruen modified by me user helix84 modification of Image Lunarparallax 22 3 1988 png Image Lunarparallax 22 3 1988 neutral png 6 10 2005 NASA helix84 Tomruen Tomruen helix84 Image Lunarparallax 22 3 1988 png - language neutral version without labels Image Lunarparallax 22 3 1988 neutral png - original NASA English labels Example of lunar parallax from 4 points on earth This is a simulated image combining of 4 views of the sky and the moon's location relative to the background stars at a single point in time The bright stars visible are the star cluster Pleiades The date March 22 1988 was chosen because the moon occulted stars within the pleides as visible from North America NOTE This diagram is geometrically accurate although not physically possible to see since the moon was not actually above the horizon in half the views Specifically you can never see the Pleiades from the south pole They were just picked as extreme views from the earth the limit of what might be seen from a set of four locations in a square on a great circle and a moon just above the horizon in all four locations Credit Tom Ruen This image was generated by my own solar system viewing software Source bitmap for projection from Nasa's Clementine Spacecraft USGS Global simple cylindrical projection at 10 km/pixel http //astrogeology usgs gov/Projects/Clementine/images/albedo simp750 jpeg Moon diagrams Parallax |