Keywords: Louvre-peinture-francaise-p1020349.jpg Artwork Sainte Marie-Madeleine pénitente <ref>http //cartelfr louvre fr/cartelfr/visite srv car_not_frame idNotice 8726 Site officiel du musée du Louvre </ref> Alternate titles La Madeleine pénitente <ref>http //www culture gouv fr/public/mistral/joconde_fr ACTION RETROUVER FIELD_98 TOUT VALUE_98 RF 201985-20 NUMBER 1 GRP 0 REQ 28 28RF 201985-20 29 20 3aTOUT 20 29 USRNAME nobody USRPWD 4 24 2534P SPEC 5 SYN 1 IMLY MAX1 1 MAX2 1 MAX3 100 DOM All Ministère de la culture - base Joconde </ref> creator Guy François formerly attributed to Own oil canvas cm 105 83 RF 1985-20 object history Ulysse Moussali ProvenanceEvent 1985-10-29 sale Louvre Paris Moussali Hôtel Drouot Paris ~ 1620-1630 Institution Louvre Sully LangSwitch 2 Stock Raum 28 2nd floor room 28 2e étage salle 28 2e verdieping zaal 28 <table style background-color EEEFFF > <tr> <td> 500x120px none none span </td> <td valign top > File Guy François - Ste Marie-Madeleine pénitente jpg</td> </tr> </table> PD-old-100 LangSwitch Referenzen References Notes Noten <references /> Guy François Mary Magdalene Paintings of penitent Magdalene Paintings of females with skulls Three-quarter views of Women Female hands in art 17th-century paintings of Mary Magdalene French paintings in the Louvre - Room 28 1620s paintings in the Louvre French painting by Rama 17th-century religious paintings in France Women looking up in art |