Keywords: Lorrain Coast Scene with Europa and the Bull Kimbell detail.jpg Coast Scene with Europa and the Bull; Oil on canvas; 170 8 x 199 7 cm; Detail Europa and the Bull <br />Kimbell Art Museum Fort Worth Texas; AP 1981 08 <br />see https //www kimbellart org/Collections/Collections-Detail aspx prov false cons false cid 8551 own 2009-10 1634 Photo User FA2010 The painting is in the Public Domain due to age The photograph has been dedicated to the Public Domain by the photographer <gallery> File 'Coast Scene with Europa and the Bull' oil on canvas painting by Claude Lorrain jpg </gallery> 1634 oil on canvas paintings in the United States Lorrain Küstenszene mit Europa und dem Stier 1630s landscape paintings Paintings in the Kimbell Art Museum Lorrain Küstenszene mit Europa und dem Stier Paintings by Claude Lorrain Küstenszene mit Europa und dem Stier Paintings of the Rape of Europa Lorrain Küstenszene mit Europa und dem Stier 1630s paintings from France |