Keywords: Longfellow National Historic Site - 079848pv.jpg Longfellow House “Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site also known as the Longfellow National Historic Site and/or the Vassall-Craigie-Longfellow House 105 Brattle Street Cambridge Massachusetts USA Built in 1759 for Major John Vassall; later home of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1940 photograph from the HABS ”Historic American Buildings Survey images of Massachusetts Historic American Buildings Survey HABS Library of Congress Prints and Photograph Division Washington D C 20540 USA Survey number HABS MA-169 http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/hhh ma0260 1963-02 Jack E Boucher photographer Public domain - Original work of the US Federal Government Fireplaces in the United States Interiors of houses in the United States Building interiors in Massachusetts 1963 in Massachusetts HABS photographs of the Longfellow National Historic Site Black and white photographs of Massachusetts PD-USGov |