Keywords: Lombard state 526.svg en State of the Lombards in 526 AD own Rafy based on the work of PANONIAN http //commons wikimedia org/wiki/File Lombard_state_526 png 2012 Cc-zero References 6th century borders are drawn in accordance with this source map http //www crohis com/ssrkulj1/teodvel htm Source map originating from this book Stjepan Srkulj Hrvatska povijest u devetnaest karata Zagreb 1937 http //www crohis com/srkulj1 htm References for modern borders and cities http //www lib utexas edu/maps/europe/slovakia_map jpg http //www lib utexas edu/maps/europe/romania_pol96 jpg Other secondary references Denis Šehić - Demir Šehić Istorijski atlas sveta Beograd 2007 Istorijski atlas Intersistem kartografija Beograd 2010 The Times History of Europe Times Books London 2002 Dragan Brujić Vodič kroz svet Vizantije Beograd 2004 Školski istorijski atlas Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika SR Srbije Beograd 1970 http //rbedrosian com/Maps/muhamm6b jpg http //www fordham edu/halsall/maps/526eur jpg http //www euratlas net/history/europe/500/index html http //www homolaicus com/arte/ravenna/map3 gif http //www worldmapsonline com/UnivHist/30305_6 gif http //www globalsecurity org/military/world/europe/images/byz-map-526 jpg http //manofroma files wordpress com/2010/05/barbarian-europe gif w 454 h 399 Maps relating to Lombards Lombard state 526 png02 Maps of the history of Slovakia Lombard state 526 png02 Graphic Lab-ar SVG maps of Slovakia |