Keywords: Irregular dwarf galaxy Sextans A A member of the local group of galaxies which includes the massive spirals Andromeda and our own Milky Way Sextans A is about 4 million light years distant The bright Milky Way foreground stars appear yellowish in this view Beyond them lie the stars of Sextans A with young blue star clusters clearly visible <br> CREDIT D Hunter Lowell Observatory Z Levay STScI <br> SOURCE http //antwrp gsfc nasa gov/apod/ap991218 html <br> COPYRIGHT Unless otherwise specifically stated no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract However it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement <br> PREPARED BY Adrian Pingstone in December 2003 PD-USGov Andromeda Galaxy Dwarf galaxies Irregular galaxies Antlia Group Astronomy_Picture_of_the_Day |