Keywords: Liturgy St James 1.jpg Sankt-Jakobus-Liturgie Die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche in Düsseldorf Liturgy of Saint James Russian Orthodox Church in Dusseldorf The Gifts Bread and Wine prepared during the Liturgy of Preparation before the beginning of the Divine Liturgy Liturgia de San James La Iglesia ortodoxa rusa en Düsseldorf Liturgie de rue James L'Eglise orthodoxe russe à Dusseldorf Литу гия святого Иакова б ата Господня Це ковь Пок ова П есвятой Бого одицы в Дюссельдо фе own 2010-01-10 Velopilger Liturgy of St James Orthodox chalices Hosts Patens Oil lamps Diskos Divine Liturgy Orthodox eucharist Orthodox Church in Düsseldorf 2010 in Düsseldorf |