Keywords: Leon Trotsky.JPG Polish government anti-communist poster to counter Bolshevik propaganda from Russia during the Polish- Russian war 1920 showing People's Commissar for the Army Lev Davidovich Bronstein Leon Trotsky Large caption reads Bolshevik freedom <br> Small caption on the right-hand-side reads <br> The Bolsheviks promised <br> We'll give you peace<br> We'll give you freedom<br> We'll give you land<br> Work and bread<br> Despicably they cheated<br> They started a war<br> With Poland<br> Instead of freedom they brought<br> The fist - Instead of land<br> -confiscation<br> Instead of work - misery<br> Instead of bread - famine <br> Wizerunek Trockiego na polskim plakacie propagandowym z lipca 1920 <br>Tekst u góry Wolność bolszewicka <br>Po prawej <br> Obiecali bolszewicy <br> Damy wam pokój <br> Damy wam wolność <br> Damy wam ziemię <br> Pracę i chleb <br> Nikczemnie oszukali ' <br> Rozpętali wojnę <br> z Polską <br> Zamiast wolności dali <br> Pięść - zamiast ziemi <br> -rekwizycje <br> Zamiast pracy - nędzę <br> Zamiast chleba - głód <br>Pod spodem M S Wojsk Wydział propagandowy self-made Scan from an original public poster printed in Poland and dated 1920 1920-07 unknown governmental edition Ministry of Military Afffairs of Poland PD-Polish PD-Polish anonymous-EU 1920 cartoons Caricatures of Leon Trotsky Polish-Soviet War Posters of the Civil war of Russia Caricatures of skulls Anti-communist propaganda Propaganda of Poland Drawings of nude sitting males Żydokomuna People with skulls in art Political cartoons of Poland Propaganda cartoons Posters of Russia 1920 |