Keywords: Leah Ottolenghi - Torah Ark Curtain - Google Art Project.jpg Leah 2742704 Ottolenghi /collection/the-jewish-museum-new-york/artwork/torah-ark-curtain-leah-ottolenghi/2744564/ Leah Ottolenghi /artist/leah-ottolenghi/3683046/ 3683046 /collection/the-jewish-museum-new-york/ The Jewish Museum New York 2310889 http //www thejewishmuseum org/ 3/1/2012 7 51 46 PM /collection/the-jewish-museum-new-york/artwork/torah-ark-curtain-leah-ottolenghi/2744564/ 1698 1698/9 date of inscription Venice Italy Linen embroidered with silk and metallic thread 1840 2744564 False 1699 3/25/2012 4 11 16 AM F 3432 http //www thejewishmuseum org/onlinecollection/object_collection php objectid 8714 http //www thejewishmuseum org/LegalNoticesandRights The Jewish Museum New York Ceremonial Art-Textile 1690 1700 City Venice Italy w1255 x h1840 cm 1698/9 date of inscription False 0 6875 http //www thejewishmuseum org/researchimagerequests Object torah-ark-curtain-leah-ottolenghi Torah Ark Curtain t 1255 Gift of Dr Harry G Friedman F 3432 Venice Italy Linen embroidered with silk and metallic thread special url_id TgF77V1Cj9yOQQ PD-old-100 Google Art Project works by Leah Ottolenghi Torah arks 17th-century textiles 1690s works |