Keywords: fruit & veg fruitveg fruit fruits la reunion island lareunionisland ile de la reunion iledelareunion la margose lamargose momordica charantia momordicacharantia petit marché petitmarché st denis stdenis 2013 sony nex-3 sonynex3 sel16f28 974 outdoor "La margose (Momordica charantia), également nommée momordique, pomme de merveille, poire balsamique, concombre africain, concombre amer, courge amère, melon amer, paroka ou mangé coolie aux Antilles françaises, est une plante grimpante de la famille des Cucurbitaceae, donc apparentée à la courge, cultivée dans les pays chauds pour son fruit comestible bien que très amer." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Momordica charantia often called bitter melon, bitter gourd or bitter squash in English, has many other local names. Goya from the indigenous language of Okinawa and karavella from Sanskrit are also used by English-language speakers. It is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit, which is extremely bitter. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit. Bitter melon originated on the Indian subcontinent, and was introduced into China in the 14th century" Souce: Wikipedia "La margose (Momordica charantia), également nommée momordique, pomme de merveille, poire balsamique, concombre africain, concombre amer, courge amère, melon amer, paroka ou mangé coolie aux Antilles françaises, est une plante grimpante de la famille des Cucurbitaceae, donc apparentée à la courge, cultivée dans les pays chauds pour son fruit comestible bien que très amer." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Momordica charantia often called bitter melon, bitter gourd or bitter squash in English, has many other local names. Goya from the indigenous language of Okinawa and karavella from Sanskrit are also used by English-language speakers. It is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit, which is extremely bitter. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit. Bitter melon originated on the Indian subcontinent, and was introduced into China in the 14th century" Souce: Wikipedia |