Keywords: Krito Timarista stele Rhodes.jpg 36 26 41 2 N 28 13 37 5 E Kameiros site of Makry Langoni The dead mother Timarista and her daughter Krito are represented standing and embracing The shape of the stele with its unusual arched finial the tender rendering of the figures in bas-relief and the emotional intensity of the scene reveal the work's ionic character from Phidias inspiration Marble 420-410 BCE Camiros Timarista la mère défunte et sa fille Krito sont représentées debout et s'embrassant La forme de la stèle et le fleuron sommital inhabituel le rendu des personnages en bas-relief et l'intensité émotionnelle de la scène caractérisent un travail ionique inspiré de Phidias Marbre 420-410 avant notre ère Institution Archaeological Museum of Rhodes own Jebulon 5th century BCE 14 avril 2011 for photograph Cc-zero QualityImage Gravestones in Greece Ancient Greek sculptures in the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes Ancient Greek reliefs in Rhodes Standing women in art 420s BC reliefs in Greece Rhodes Art of Kameiros Quality images by Jebulon |