Keywords: Jean-Baptiste Regnault - Death of Cleopatra - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project oil on canvas 1754 Paris 1754 1829 Paris 1829 Jean-Baptiste 717196 Regnault 1754 - 1829 /collection/museum-kunstpalast-dusseldorf/artwork/death-of-cleopatra-jean-baptiste-regnault/713320/ 116 Jean-Baptiste Regnault /artist/jean-baptiste-regnault/4131526/ 4131526 /collection/museum-kunstpalast-dusseldorf/ Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf 432804 http //www smkp de/ 1/20/2012 3 51 30 PM /collection/museum-kunstpalast-dusseldorf/artwork/death-of-cleopatra-jean-baptiste-regnault/713320/ 1796 1796/97 Öl auf Leinwand Since 1932 on permanent loan from the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf 645 713320 False 1796 3/24/2012 8 44 28 AM Inv no M 2352 http //www smkp de/ Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf Sammlung der Kunstakademie NRW ; photo Horst Kolberg Neuss painting 1790 1800 w800 x h645 cm 1796/97 False 1 2518337408313 Object death-of-cleopatra-jean-baptiste-regnault Death of Cleopatra d 800 Object_Title_ german Der Tod der Kleopatra Object_Work_Type_ german Öl auf Leinwand Since 1932 on permanent loan from the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf special url_id JAGApfjTnZDPyA PD-old-100-1923 1829 Jean-Baptiste Regnault Paintings of the death of Cleopatra Regnault Google Art Project works by Jean-Baptiste Regnault |