Keywords: James Strong theologian - Brady-Handy.jpg Prof James Strong Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Brady-Handy Photograph Collection http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/cwpbh 01298 CALL NUMBER LC-BH82- 4535 A <P P>P P between 1855 1865 Creator Mathew Brady PD James Strong August 14 1822 “ August 7 1894 was an American Methodist biblical scholar and educator and the creator of Strong's Concordance He was born in New York City; was Professor of Biblical Literature at Troy University in 1858-61 became Professor of Exegetical Theology at Drew Theological Seminary in 1868 and died at Round Lake New York This summary was created using Commons SumItUp PD-old-100 LOC-image cwpbh 01298 Photographs by Mathew Brady Strong James Theologians from the United States Strong James Methodists Black and white photographic portraits of men Strong James |