MAKE A MEME View Large Image Intifada deaths.svg Second Intifada deaths September 29 2000 through April 30 2008 The totals for each side are followed by the breakdown to the right of each total The chart does not include the 577 Palestinians killed by Palestinians 093 ...
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Keywords: Intifada deaths.svg Second Intifada deaths September 29 2000 through April 30 2008 The totals for each side are followed by the breakdown to the right of each total The chart does not include the 577 Palestinians killed by Palestinians 093 Israeli total 90c Israeli breakdown f90 Palestinian total 933 Palestinian breakdown The chart was created at http //nces ed gov/nceskids/createagraph/ Create A Graph a free online graph creation tool at the National Center for Education Statistics website The SVG files are downloaded as gzipped files They must be unzipped before uploading to the commons Find a decompression tool at Comparison of file archivers For example; 7-Zip a popular http //www download com/7-Zip/3000-2250_4-10045185 html free and open-source file archiver that unzips gzip and also works with Unicode There is a variety of free charting and mapping help forums labs tools and software on the resource lists at Category Charts and Category Maps The dates on the chart will be changed as the chart is updated Timeshifter This chart is in the public domain No copyright Timeshifter Image Intifada deaths gif diagrams Casualty statistics of the Second Intifada
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