MAKE A MEME View Large Image Inkvisisjonen.jpg Artwork Creator Pedro Berruguete La pintura describe la historia de una disputa entre Santo Domingo de Guzmán fundador de la Orden de los dominicos y los albigenses cátaros en los que los libros de ambos fueron sometidos ...
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Keywords: Inkvisisjonen.jpg Artwork Creator Pedro Berruguete La pintura describe la historia de una disputa entre Santo Domingo de Guzmán fundador de la Orden de los dominicos y los albigenses cátaros en los que los libros de ambos fueron sometidos a una prueba de fuego y los de Santo Domingo fueron milagrosamente preservados de las llamas milagro de Fanjeaux This portrays the story of a dispute between Saint Dominic and the Cathars in which the books of both were thrown on a fire and St Dominic's books were miraculously preserved from the flames This was believed to symbolize the wrongness of the Cathars' teachings Spanish painting from the 1400s by Pedro Berruguete showing the miracle of Fanjeaux According to the Libellus of Jordan of Saxony the books of the Cathars and those of the Catholics were subjected to trial by fire before Saint Dominic The Catholic books were rejected three times by the flames Scanned from a history book In spite of the title it is not a book burning by the Inquisition Оваа слика ја п икажува п иказната за асп авата помеѓу Св Доминик и Албигојците Ката ите каде книгите на обете ст ани биле ф лени во оган и книгите на светецот останале чудесно недоп ени од огнот И пок ај насловот на оваа датотека тука воопшто не се аботи за Талмудот Inderdaad deze afbeelding verwijst niet naar de Spaanse inquisitie maar naar de 'pauselijke inquisitie' die vanaf 1233 voor een gedeelte in handen was van de dominicanen De 15de-eeuwse schilder Berruguete grijpt terug naar een legende het zgn 'Mirakel van Fanjeaux' uit het leven van de H Dominicus Vermoedelijk onder invloed van latere gebruiken het verbranden van boeken vermengt hij hier het 'mirakel' zie opvliegend boek met een kleine brandstapel Hoe dan ook de 'Spaanse' inquisitie heeft er niets mee te maken - 1493 1499 oil on panel Institution Museo del Prado Sala 057B https //www museodelprado es/coleccion/obra-de-arte/santo-domingo-y-los-albigenses/8159c487-73ed-48ba-be82-591b40b843ba Scanned from a history book PD-old-100 Saint Dominic and the Albigensians
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