Keywords: 鄭成功畫像.jpg object history Cheng Chang Koxinga's cousin brought this painting to Hou-shan-p'o in Taipei after Cheng K'o-shuang 1670-1717; Koxinga's grandson surrendered to the Qing dynasty In 1911 the painting was passed down to Cheng Wei-lung Cheng Chang's fifth-generation descendant while Taiwan was under Japanese rule Governor-General Sakuma suggested that the painting be sent to the then Taiwan Shinto Shrine later changed to the Koxinga Shrine In 1945 after the restoration of Taiwan to Chinese rule the painting was transferred to the Taiwan Provincial Museum which is now the National Taiwan Museum exhibition history credit line The painting is thought to be made when Koxinga 1624-1662 was alive in Tainan thus making it likely the earliest extant painting of the man himself accession number AH001613 place of creation The direct source was not given by the uploader <gallery> File The Portrait of Koxinga jpg Same original painting post-restoration File Koxinga1 jpg Copy made by Nasu Hokei in 1911 </gallery> PD-old-100 Upload log 1 date/time username resolution size edit summary ---- 2008年11 24日 06 00 Kleistan <a href http //upload wikimedia org/wikipedia/zh/4/4f/ E9 84 AD E6 88 90 E5 8A 9F E7 95 AB E5 83 8F jpg ><img alt 于2008年11 24日 06 00的缩图版 src http //upload wikimedia org/wikipedia/zh/thumb/4/4f/ E9 84 AD E6 88 90 E5 8A 9F E7 95 AB E5 83 8F jpg/71px- E9 84 AD E6 88 90 E5 8A 9F E7 95 AB E5 83 8F jpg width 71 height 120 border 0 /></a></td><td>600×1 013 241 KB <nowiki> 鄭成功畫像 17世 古 2008 11 24 署名 PD-old </nowiki> Koxinga Collections of the National Taiwan Museum |