Keywords: bookid:insuperiorcourto07cuca bookidinsuperiorcourto07cuca bookyear:1907 bookyear1907 bookdecade:1900 bookdecade1900 bookcentury:1900 bookcentury1900 bookauthor:cucamonga_vineyard_co bookauthorcucamongavineyardco bookpublisher:_san_bernardino_ bookpublishersanbernardino bookcontributor:university_of_california_libraries bookcontributoruniversityofcalifornialibraries booksponsor:internet_archive booksponsorinternetarchive bookleafnumber:337 bookleafnumber337 bookcollection:cdl bookcollectioncdl bookcollection:americana bookcollectionamericana text document bookid:insuperiorcourto07cuca bookidinsuperiorcourto07cuca bookyear:1907 bookyear1907 bookdecade:1900 bookdecade1900 bookcentury:1900 bookcentury1900 bookauthor:cucamonga_vineyard_co bookauthorcucamongavineyardco bookpublisher:_san_bernardino_ bookpublishersanbernardino bookcontributor:university_of_california_libraries bookcontributoruniversityofcalifornialibraries booksponsor:internet_archive booksponsorinternetarchive bookleafnumber:337 bookleafnumber337 bookcollection:cdl bookcollectioncdl bookcollection:americana bookcollectionamericana text document Identifier: insuperiorcourto07cuca Title: In Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California. Department One. Cucamonga Vineyard Co. et al., plaintiff vs. San Antonio Water Co., defendant; no. 9187 Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Cucamonga Vineyard Co Subjects: Publisher: [San Bernardino? Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: last statemput ofthe witiieas be^^im ing with but th&amp;t it is an attempt - fr ;.cKinley: 1 uave no objection to its j^oin^; out. Q How, you may ^,ive your opinion. jr. .p not denionst fc.te any connection between the twosup lies? A My reason is, that bearin^^; in rind the facts on exhibit5, on which it ie msed, and also the otlier facta v-aichcorroborate exhibit 3 in that regard - (4 That is the other facts in evidence? Tes, sir, which I have examined with a ta*eat amountof labor in this case, looking; over the record - that theCOincidence8 are not complete, and that the theory is notwarranted by the facts in the transcript in tMs case,iiav you examined plaintiffs Jfixhibit .%? A I have extimlYied it. Text Appearing After Image: (4 state your orinion with re^jara to the inaIters s/.o.n onthat exliibit, as to -hether they nhox? the pumpin of ttiH i:miiuritonio ..titer lotr. tu.y aflecteu tne \.&lt;^.v flowii*,-: in trie ce-ivient el^iaft, in tunnel nuiuber 2? A Hy referring to the exhibit we find that there aie no-tations in ink above Liie ui{»{^f.iii: tic line on the exhibit,purporting, to show the cona-iencini, of putwpii^, without stat-ing where oi- at what ^ella, am. later thero arc pOiicil no-tations which were placea on the exhib t by one of the wit-nesses for plaijitiff: February 16, atopped puiurin^.; number14; iebruary 27, stoppeci putupint, nuiuber 7-ana 8; and ontiEy 19, coi:L ■enceci pujiipiiie^. tbIIb. By consulting xhiDit nuuiber 6, as well as the testi-i).ony of -r I.eeke and others in the caee, the well number 14in tiie heaci of the adie tunxiol was papeu ourin;; 1903from about Cctooer, that year, uxitil the loth of February,1904, ana tliat the ordB commenced puiupied are not relevantto tne Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: insuperiorcourto07cuca Title: In Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California. Department One. Cucamonga Vineyard Co. et al., plaintiff vs. San Antonio Water Co., defendant; no. 9187 Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Cucamonga Vineyard Co Subjects: Publisher: [San Bernardino? Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: last statemput ofthe witiieas be^^im ing with but th&t it is an attempt - fr ;.cKinley: 1 uave no objection to its j^oin^; out. Q How, you may ^,ive your opinion. jr. .p not denionst fc.te any connection between the twosup lies? A My reason is, that bearin^^; in rind the facts on exhibit5, on which it ie msed, and also the otlier facta v-aichcorroborate exhibit 3 in that regard - (4 That is the other facts in evidence? Tes, sir, which I have examined with a ta*eat amountof labor in this case, looking; over the record - that theCOincidence8 are not complete, and that the theory is notwarranted by the facts in the transcript in tMs case,iiav you examined plaintiffs Jfixhibit .%? A I have extimlYied it. Text Appearing After Image: (4 state your orinion with re^jara to the inaIters s/.o.n onthat exliibit, as to -hether they nhox? the pumpin of ttiH i:miiuritonio ..titer lotr. tu.y aflecteu tne \.<^.v flowii*,-: in trie ce-ivient el^iaft, in tunnel nuiuber 2? A Hy referring to the exhibit we find that there aie no-tations in ink above Liie ui{»{^f.iii: tic line on the exhibit,purporting, to show the cona-iencini, of putwpii^, without stat-ing where oi- at what ^ella, am. later thero arc pOiicil no-tations which were placea on the exhib t by one of the wit-nesses for plaijitiff: February 16, atopped puiurin^.; number14; iebruary 27, stoppeci putupint, nuiuber 7-ana 8; and ontiEy 19, coi:L ■enceci pujiipiiie^. tbIIb. By consulting xhiDit nuuiber 6, as well as the testi-i).ony of -r I.eeke and others in the caee, the well number 14in tiie heaci of the adie tunxiol was papeu ourin;; 1903from about Cctooer, that year, uxitil the loth of February,1904, ana tliat the ordB commenced puiupied are not relevantto tne Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: insuperiorcourto07cuca Title: In Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California. Department One. Cucamonga Vineyard Co. et al., plaintiff vs. San Antonio Water Co., defendant; no. 9187 Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Cucamonga Vineyard Co Subjects: Publisher: [San Bernardino? Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: last statemput ofthe witiieas be^^im ing with but th&amp;t it is an attempt - fr ;.cKinley: 1 uave no objection to its j^oin^; out. Q How, you may ^,ive your opinion. jr. .p not denionst fc.te any connection between the twosup lies? A My reason is, that bearin^^; in rind the facts on exhibit5, on which it ie msed, and also the otlier facta v-aichcorroborate exhibit 3 in that regard - (4 That is the other facts in evidence? Tes, sir, which I have examined with a ta*eat amountof labor in this case, looking; over the record - that theCOincidence8 are not complete, and that the theory is notwarranted by the facts in the transcript in tMs case,iiav you examined plaintiffs Jfixhibit .%? A I have extimlYied it. Text Appearing After Image: (4 state your orinion with re^jara to the inaIters s/.o.n onthat exliibit, as to -hether they nhox? the pumpin of ttiH i:miiuritonio ..titer lotr. tu.y aflecteu tne \.&lt;^.v flowii*,-: in trie ce-ivient el^iaft, in tunnel nuiuber 2? A Hy referring to the exhibit we find that there aie no-tations in ink above Liie ui{»{^f.iii: tic line on the exhibit,purporting, to show the cona-iencini, of putwpii^, without stat-ing where oi- at what ^ella, am. later thero arc pOiicil no-tations which were placea on the exhib t by one of the wit-nesses for plaijitiff: February 16, atopped puiurin^.; number14; iebruary 27, stoppeci putupint, nuiuber 7-ana 8; and ontiEy 19, coi:L ■enceci pujiipiiie^. tbIIb. By consulting xhiDit nuuiber 6, as well as the testi-i).ony of -r I.eeke and others in the caee, the well number 14in tiie heaci of the adie tunxiol was papeu ourin;; 1903from about Cctooer, that year, uxitil the loth of February,1904, ana tliat the ordB commenced puiupied are not relevantto tne Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: insuperiorcourto07cuca Title: In Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California. Department One. Cucamonga Vineyard Co. et al., plaintiff vs. San Antonio Water Co., defendant; no. 9187 Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Cucamonga Vineyard Co Subjects: Publisher: [San Bernardino? Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: last statemput ofthe witiieas be^^im ing with but th&t it is an attempt - fr ;.cKinley: 1 uave no objection to its j^oin^; out. Q How, you may ^,ive your opinion. jr. .p not denionst fc.te any connection between the twosup lies? A My reason is, that bearin^^; in rind the facts on exhibit5, on which it ie msed, and also the otlier facta v-aichcorroborate exhibit 3 in that regard - (4 That is the other facts in evidence? Tes, sir, which I have examined with a ta*eat amountof labor in this case, looking; over the record - that theCOincidence8 are not complete, and that the theory is notwarranted by the facts in the transcript in tMs case,iiav you examined plaintiffs Jfixhibit .%? A I have extimlYied it. Text Appearing After Image: (4 state your orinion with re^jara to the inaIters s/.o.n onthat exliibit, as to -hether they nhox? the pumpin of ttiH i:miiuritonio ..titer lotr. tu.y aflecteu tne \.<^.v flowii*,-: in trie ce-ivient el^iaft, in tunnel nuiuber 2? A Hy referring to the exhibit we find that there aie no-tations in ink above Liie ui{»{^f.iii: tic line on the exhibit,purporting, to show the cona-iencini, of putwpii^, without stat-ing where oi- at what ^ella, am. later thero arc pOiicil no-tations which were placea on the exhib t by one of the wit-nesses for plaijitiff: February 16, atopped puiurin^.; number14; iebruary 27, stoppeci putupint, nuiuber 7-ana 8; and ontiEy 19, coi:L ■enceci pujiipiiie^. tbIIb. By consulting xhiDit nuuiber 6, as well as the testi-i).ony of -r I.eeke and others in the caee, the well number 14in tiie heaci of the adie tunxiol was papeu ourin;; 1903from about Cctooer, that year, uxitil the loth of February,1904, ana tliat the ordB commenced puiupied are not relevantto tne Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. |