Keywords: bookid:introductiontozo00dave bookidintroductiontozo00dave bookyear:1900 bookyear1900 bookdecade:1900 bookdecade1900 bookcentury:1900 bookcentury1900 bookauthor:davenport__charles_benedict__1866_1944 bookauthordavenportcharlesbenedict18661944 bookauthor:davenport__gertrude_anna_crotty__1866_ bookauthordavenportgertrudeannacrotty1866 booksubject:zoology booksubjectzoology bookpublisher:new_york__macmillan_company bookpublishernewyorkmacmillancompany bookpublisher:_london__macmillian_and_co___ltd_ bookpublisherlondonmacmillianandcoltd bookcontributor:mblwhoi_library bookcontributormblwhoilibrary booksponsor:mblwhoi_library booksponsormblwhoilibrary bookleafnumber:288 bookleafnumber288 bookcollection:biodiversity bookcollectionbiodiversity bookcollection:mblwhoi bookcollectionmblwhoi bookcollection:blc bookcollectionblc bookcollection:americana bookcollectionamericana bhl collection bhlcollection bhl consortium bhlconsortium photo border monochrome animal texture bookid:introductiontozo00dave bookidintroductiontozo00dave bookyear:1900 bookyear1900 bookdecade:1900 bookdecade1900 bookcentury:1900 bookcentury1900 bookauthor:davenport__charles_benedict__1866_1944 bookauthordavenportcharlesbenedict18661944 bookauthor:davenport__gertrude_anna_crotty__1866_ bookauthordavenportgertrudeannacrotty1866 booksubject:zoology booksubjectzoology bookpublisher:new_york__macmillan_company bookpublishernewyorkmacmillancompany bookpublisher:_london__macmillian_and_co___ltd_ bookpublisherlondonmacmillianandcoltd bookcontributor:mblwhoi_library bookcontributormblwhoilibrary booksponsor:mblwhoi_library booksponsormblwhoilibrary bookleafnumber:288 bookleafnumber288 bookcollection:biodiversity bookcollectionbiodiversity bookcollection:mblwhoi bookcollectionmblwhoi bookcollection:blc bookcollectionblc bookcollection:americana bookcollectionamericana bhl collection bhlcollection bhl consortium bhlconsortium photo border monochrome animal texture Identifier: introductiontozo00dave Title: Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools; Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 Davenport, Gertrude Anna Crotty, 1866- Subjects: Zoology Publisher: New York, Macmillan company London, Macmillian and co., ltd. Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: he head in front of the eyes, and by thefact that all four legs are Avell developed. The genusAnolis contains eighty tropical species. Our species livesin pine woods from the latitude of Tennessee south to theGulf and the island of Cuba. Its graceful form and brightcolors make it one of the most beautiful of lizards. It 1 A key to the four orders of Reptiles will be found in the Appendix tothis Chapter, page 280. - Atwli, native name. 3 Native name, 268 THE LIZA It I) AND ITS ALLIES 269 lives on trees, eats insects, is not timid, can live well inconfinement, and, like the chameleon of Europe, has thepower of changing its colors from bright green to dirtybrown. Besides Anolis we have various other lizards ofthe family Iguanidre. The horned toad of the Southwest,which has a broad, flattened body and long spines on thehead, and lives in dry, sandy places, is a familiar object.1In the South Central and Southern States lives the elon-gate swift of varying color, often with black, irregular Text Appearing After Image: FIG. 251. —Phrynosoma, the horned toad. Photo, by E. R. D. cross bands above, with iridescent colors on the throat ofthe male, and with large, strongly keeled scales and aslender tail. The largest of the Iguanidse is the leguan *of the West Indies and South America, which gains alength of 1.75 metres, or over five feet. The family Varanidae,2 or water-lizards, contains thelargest known lizards. The Nile varanus attains a lengthof nearly tAvo metres. It lives on the rivers of Africa,feeds on small Crustacea, birds, birds eggs, frogs, fish, andoccasionally also on young crocodiles and crocodile eggs. 1 Fig. 251. 2 Latinized from the Arabic word waran, lizard. 270 ZOOLOGY The ancient Egyptians regarded these crocodile-like lizardsas the greatest enemies of the crocodile. The Lacertidae,1 which are common in middle and south-ern Europe, are agile, harmless creatures, often of brightcolors, and are commonly and favorably known. The more Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: introductiontozo00dave Title: Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools; Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 Davenport, Gertrude Anna Crotty, 1866- Subjects: Zoology Publisher: New York, Macmillan company London, Macmillian and co., ltd. Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: he head in front of the eyes, and by thefact that all four legs are Avell developed. The genusAnolis contains eighty tropical species. Our species livesin pine woods from the latitude of Tennessee south to theGulf and the island of Cuba. Its graceful form and brightcolors make it one of the most beautiful of lizards. It 1 A key to the four orders of Reptiles will be found in the Appendix tothis Chapter, page 280. - Atwli, native name. 3 Native name, 268 THE LIZA It I) AND ITS ALLIES 269 lives on trees, eats insects, is not timid, can live well inconfinement, and, like the chameleon of Europe, has thepower of changing its colors from bright green to dirtybrown. Besides Anolis we have various other lizards ofthe family Iguanidre. The horned toad of the Southwest,which has a broad, flattened body and long spines on thehead, and lives in dry, sandy places, is a familiar object.1In the South Central and Southern States lives the elon-gate swift of varying color, often with black, irregular Text Appearing After Image: FIG. 251. —Phrynosoma, the horned toad. Photo, by E. R. D. cross bands above, with iridescent colors on the throat ofthe male, and with large, strongly keeled scales and aslender tail. The largest of the Iguanidse is the leguan *of the West Indies and South America, which gains alength of 1.75 metres, or over five feet. The family Varanidae,2 or water-lizards, contains thelargest known lizards. The Nile varanus attains a lengthof nearly tAvo metres. It lives on the rivers of Africa,feeds on small Crustacea, birds, birds eggs, frogs, fish, andoccasionally also on young crocodiles and crocodile eggs. 1 Fig. 251. 2 Latinized from the Arabic word waran, lizard. 270 ZOOLOGY The ancient Egyptians regarded these crocodile-like lizardsas the greatest enemies of the crocodile. The Lacertidae,1 which are common in middle and south-ern Europe, are agile, harmless creatures, often of brightcolors, and are commonly and favorably known. The more Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: introductiontozo00dave Title: Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools; Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 Davenport, Gertrude Anna Crotty, 1866- Subjects: Zoology Publisher: New York, Macmillan company London, Macmillian and co., ltd. Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: he head in front of the eyes, and by thefact that all four legs are Avell developed. The genusAnolis contains eighty tropical species. Our species livesin pine woods from the latitude of Tennessee south to theGulf and the island of Cuba. Its graceful form and brightcolors make it one of the most beautiful of lizards. It 1 A key to the four orders of Reptiles will be found in the Appendix tothis Chapter, page 280. - Atwli, native name. 3 Native name, 268 THE LIZA It I) AND ITS ALLIES 269 lives on trees, eats insects, is not timid, can live well inconfinement, and, like the chameleon of Europe, has thepower of changing its colors from bright green to dirtybrown. Besides Anolis we have various other lizards ofthe family Iguanidre. The horned toad of the Southwest,which has a broad, flattened body and long spines on thehead, and lives in dry, sandy places, is a familiar object.1In the South Central and Southern States lives the elon-gate swift of varying color, often with black, irregular Text Appearing After Image: FIG. 251. —Phrynosoma, the horned toad. Photo, by E. R. D. cross bands above, with iridescent colors on the throat ofthe male, and with large, strongly keeled scales and aslender tail. The largest of the Iguanidse is the leguan *of the West Indies and South America, which gains alength of 1.75 metres, or over five feet. The family Varanidae,2 or water-lizards, contains thelargest known lizards. The Nile varanus attains a lengthof nearly tAvo metres. It lives on the rivers of Africa,feeds on small Crustacea, birds, birds eggs, frogs, fish, andoccasionally also on young crocodiles and crocodile eggs. 1 Fig. 251. 2 Latinized from the Arabic word waran, lizard. 270 ZOOLOGY The ancient Egyptians regarded these crocodile-like lizardsas the greatest enemies of the crocodile. The Lacertidae,1 which are common in middle and south-ern Europe, are agile, harmless creatures, often of brightcolors, and are commonly and favorably known. The more Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: introductiontozo00dave Title: Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools; Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 Davenport, Gertrude Anna Crotty, 1866- Subjects: Zoology Publisher: New York, Macmillan company London, Macmillian and co., ltd. Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: he head in front of the eyes, and by thefact that all four legs are Avell developed. The genusAnolis contains eighty tropical species. Our species livesin pine woods from the latitude of Tennessee south to theGulf and the island of Cuba. Its graceful form and brightcolors make it one of the most beautiful of lizards. It 1 A key to the four orders of Reptiles will be found in the Appendix tothis Chapter, page 280. - Atwli, native name. 3 Native name, 268 THE LIZA It I) AND ITS ALLIES 269 lives on trees, eats insects, is not timid, can live well inconfinement, and, like the chameleon of Europe, has thepower of changing its colors from bright green to dirtybrown. Besides Anolis we have various other lizards ofthe family Iguanidre. The horned toad of the Southwest,which has a broad, flattened body and long spines on thehead, and lives in dry, sandy places, is a familiar object.1In the South Central and Southern States lives the elon-gate swift of varying color, often with black, irregular Text Appearing After Image: FIG. 251. —Phrynosoma, the horned toad. Photo, by E. R. D. cross bands above, with iridescent colors on the throat ofthe male, and with large, strongly keeled scales and aslender tail. The largest of the Iguanidse is the leguan *of the West Indies and South America, which gains alength of 1.75 metres, or over five feet. The family Varanidae,2 or water-lizards, contains thelargest known lizards. The Nile varanus attains a lengthof nearly tAvo metres. It lives on the rivers of Africa,feeds on small Crustacea, birds, birds eggs, frogs, fish, andoccasionally also on young crocodiles and crocodile eggs. 1 Fig. 251. 2 Latinized from the Arabic word waran, lizard. 270 ZOOLOGY The ancient Egyptians regarded these crocodile-like lizardsas the greatest enemies of the crocodile. The Lacertidae,1 which are common in middle and south-ern Europe, are agile, harmless creatures, often of brightcolors, and are commonly and favorably known. The more Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. |