Keywords: Hyacinthe Rigaud, Portrait de Antoine Coysevox (1704) -001.jpg Artwork creator Hyacinthe Rigaud portrait of male depicted person LangSwitch Antoine Coysevox 1640-1720 French sculptor Antoine Coysevox 1640-1720 sculpteur français Антуан Куазево 1640 �1720 � ф� анцузский скульпто� 1704 Oil on canvas cm 79 5 63 5 Private collection château de Parentignat Grand salon rouge object history exhibition history Exhibited at the Salon 1704 <br>Georges de Lastic Le Cabinet d �un amateur collectionneur et conservateur Paris musée de la Chasse et de la Nature et Senlis musée de la Vènerie 8 décembre 2010 - 14 mars 2011 n°1 <br>Une collection de regards regards sur une collection Georges de Lastic et le château de Parentignat Clermont-Ferrand musée d �art Roger-Quillot 4 octobre 2011 - 5 février 2012 credit line accession number unknown other versions <gallery> Hyacinthe_Rigaud _Portrait_de_Antoine_Coysevox_ 1704 _-002 jpg </gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1704; Coysevox Antoine Portrait paintings by Hyacinthe Rigaud Collection Georges de Lastic Antoine Coysevox 1704 oil on canvas paintings in France 1704 portrait paintings from France 18th-century men looking at viewer in art 18th-century oil portraits of men at half length 18th-century portrait paintings in France Allonge wigs in paintings Brown clothing in art male Front view portrait paintings of males Paintings with over-cropped borders Salon of 1704 Portrait paintings of sculptors with artwork |