Keywords: Human skull side suturas right.svg The adult skull is normally made up of 22 bones Except for the mandible all of the bones of the skull are joined together by sutures semi-rigid articulations formed by bony ossification the presence of Sharpey's fibres permitting a little flexibility Der menschliche Schädel des Erwachsenen besteht normalerweise aus 22 Knochen Bis auf die Mandibula sind all diese durch Knochennähte verbunden halb-festen gelenkartigen Verbindungen die durch knöcherne Ossifikation entstehen Das Vorhandensein von Sharpey Fasern führt zu einer gewissen Biegsamkeit Le crâne humain adulte est constitué de 22 os A l'exeption de la mandibule tous les os du crâne sont reliés entre eux par des sutures articulations semi-rigides formées par ossification La présence des fibres de Sharpey permettent une certaine flexibilité O crânio humano adulto é constituÃdo por 22 ossos à excepção da mandÃbula todos os ossos do crânio encontram-se ligados por suturas articulações semi-rÃgidas formadas por ossificação com a presença de fibras de Sharpey permitindo alguma flexibilidade Own 2007-01-05 LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz Villarreal Human skull side suturas right-IT png <gallery> Image Human skull side suturas svg Image Human skull side details svg Image Human skull side details right svg Image Human skull side complete svg Image Human skull side bones svg Image Human skull side suturas right pl svg Polish version </gallery> Assessments Human skull side suturas svg 1 LadyofHats Bones of the human skull SVG files on human skull Featured pictures on Wikimedia Commons - vector Coronal sutures Cranial sutures |