Keywords: Human arm bones diagram.svg The humerus is the upper arm bone It joins with the scapula above at the shoulder joint or glenohumeral joint and with the ulna and radius below at the elbow joint Notice When the arm is spun so that the thumb point to the outside of the body meaning the palm of the hand looks forward then it is said the hand is supinated But when the thumb remains in the inside and the palm looks backwards then it is said that the hand is pronated In this diagram one hands is pronated and the other supinated in order to show how the ulna and the radius cross while doing this movement Some of my sources http //img80 imageshack us/img80/9274/primal17vo1 jpg Gray's Anatomy Williams Warwick Atlas der anatomie des menschen Sobotta Anatomia del cuerpo humano Yokochi Rhoen weinreb and a lamina printed by rĂ¼diger-anatomie GmbH - LadyofHats 2007-01-03 LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz Villarreal LadyofHats Other versions/Human arm bones diagram Assessments 1 Image Human arm bones diagram svg The bone structure of the human w arm 14 55 10 June 2008 UTC ValidSVG ImageNote 1 441 219 10 10 857 751 2 ribs ImageNoteEnd 1 Bones of the human arm Clavicula Humerus Radius bone Scapula Coracoid process |