Keywords: Hospital at Scutari 2a.jpg File 'One of the wards in the hospital at Scutari' Wellcome M0007724 - restoration cropped jpg assessments 1 Hospital at Scutari 1 2 en One of the wards of the hospital at Scutari / W Simpson del ; E Walker lith ; Day Son Lithrs to the Queen 1853-1856 yılları arasında gerçekleşen Kırım Savaşı sırasında Selimiye Kışlası'nın İngilizler tarafından hastane olarak kullanıldığı dönemi gösteren 1856 tarihli taş baskı Florence Nightingale 1854'te kışlaya gelerek yaralı İngiliz askelerinin tedavisinde görev almıştı Library of Congress http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/cph 3g10261 Day Son 1856-04-21 Retweaked version of Image Hospital_at_Scutari 2 jpg Original is Image Hospital_at_Scutari jpg pd-old Florence Nightingale in art History of nursing à sküdar Casualties of the Crimean War Wooden flooring Military life Lithographs Selimiye Barracks 19th-century military life Soldiers life during the Crimean War Lithographs in the Wellcome Collection Wounded soldiers in art Military hospitals |