Keywords: Himmelblau function.svg en Himmelblau's function own Morn the Gorn 2009-09-04 Python plot script requires Matplotlib v0 99 or later <source lang python > from mpl_toolkits mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib colors import LogNorm import matplotlib pyplot as plt import numpy as np fig plt figure ax Axes3D fig azim -29 elev 49 X np arange -6 6 0 1 Y np arange -6 6 0 1 X Y np meshgrid X Y Z X X+Y-11 2 + X+Y Y-7 2 ax plot_surface X Y Z rstride 1 cstride 1 norm LogNorm cmap cm jet plt xlabel x plt ylabel y plt savefig Himmelblau function svg plt show </source> Created with Matplotlib Images with Python source code Surface plots SVG |