MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...The Hermit" - Sand Painting by Benjamin Zobel.jpg en The Hermit 59cms by 44cms is a Sand Painting by Benjamin Zobel 1762-1830 probably an early work by this Georgian sand artist using a mix of white lead and gum arabic to stick the sand to ...
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Keywords: "The Hermit" - Sand Painting by Benjamin Zobel.jpg en The Hermit 59cms by 44cms is a Sand Painting by Benjamin Zobel 1762-1830 probably an early work by this Georgian sand artist using a mix of white lead and gum arabic to stick the sand to the baseboard - hence the blackened colours of the background Collection Brian Pike sandpainter Sandpainting by B Zobel / photographed by and in Brian Pike's private collection Sand Painting by Benjamin Zobel - 1762-1830 /photographed by Brian Pike 1800 01 01 +/- 20 years Georgian sand painting marmortinto Paintings using gum arabic
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