Keywords: Hermenegildo Bustos - Still life with fruit (with scorpion and frog) - Google Art Project.jpg 1832 Guanajuato 1832 1907 Guanajuato 1907 Hermenegildo Male 584178 Bustos Mexican 1832 - 1907 /collection/museo-nacional-de-arte/artwork/still-life-with-fruit-with-scorpion-and-frog-hermenegildo-bustos/588183/ 134 Hermenegildo Bustos painter /artist/hermenegildo-bustos/4130437/ 4130437 /collection/museo-nacional-de-arte/ Museo Nacional de Arte 355161 http //www munal com mx/ /collection/museo-nacional-de-arte/artwork/still-life-with-fruit-with-scorpion-and-frog-hermenegildo-bustos/588183/ 1874 1874 Oil on canvas Constituve Collection 433 588183 False 1874 1874 complete 21758 http //www munal com mx/rights html Museo Nacional de Arte INBA Painting 1870 1880 w353 x h433 mm 1874 False 0 822265625 http //www munal com mx/rights html Object still-life-with-fruit-with-scorpion-and-frog-hermenegildo-bustos Still life with fruit with scorpion and frog s 353 Bodegón con frutas con alacrán y rana Constituve Collection Oil on canvas special url_id HwHEk3nRXyB-2g PD-old-100-1923 1907 Google Art Project works by Hermenegildo Bustos Hermenegildo Bustos Still life paintings Fruit in art Scorpions in art Drawings of frogs 1874 paintings Oil on canvas Paintings in the Museo nacional de Arte |