Keywords: Heráldica - morado.svg en Conventional depictions colour and monochrome of the heraldic stain murrey <br /> The murrey conforms to that displayed on http //www theheraldrysociety com/education htm the Heraldry Society ™s Education Pack PDF file <br /><br /> es Representaciones convencionales en color y monocroma del color heráldico morado <br /> El morado corresponde al que aparece en http //www theheraldrysociety com/education htm el «Education Pack» en formato PDF de la Heraldry Society own Gabriela Ruellan Other fields + CoA 2013-04-06 Based on this File HerbSzrafirunekPurpurowy svg heraldic tincture swatch by Joey-das-WBF http //pl wikipedia org pl wikipedia Heraldic tincture swatches Murrey heraldry Cc-zero |