Keywords: Haeckel Stephoidea edit.jpg Assessments 1 top center Lithocircus magnificus <small> Haeckel </small> Lithocircus sp living animal top left Semantis sigillum <small> Haeckel </small> Tholospyris procera <small>Goll 1969</small> skeleton of juvenile bottom left upper Acanthodesmia corona <small> Haeckel </small> Acanthodesmia sp skeleton center right upper Tristephanium dimensivum <small> Haeckel </small> Tristephanium dimensivum <small>Haeckel 1887</small> skeleton center Trissocyclus sphaeridium <small> Haeckel </small> Trissocyclidae sp living animal center right lower Octotympanum cervicorne <small> Haeckel </small> Acanthodesmia viniculata <small> Müller 1857 </small> skeleton bottom right upper Microcubus zonarius <small> Haeckel </small> Amphispyris zonarius <small> Haeckel 1887 </small> skeleton top right Tympaniscus tripodiscus <small> Haeckel </small> Trissocyclidae sp skeleton center left upper Tympaniscus quadrupes <small> Haeckel </small> Trissocyclidae skeleton bottom center Tympanidium foliosum <small> Haeckel </small> Tympanidium foliosum <small>Haeckel 1887</small> living animal bottom left lower Lithotympanum tuberosum <small> Haeckel </small> Lithotympanum tuberosum <small>Haeckel 1887</small> living animal center left lower Circotympanum octogonium <small> Haeckel </small> Nassellaria sp </small> skeleton bottom right lower Lithocubus astragalus <small> Haeckel </small> Lithocubus ap living animal Kunstformen der Natur 1904 plate 71 Stephoidea see http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_071_300 html here http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_071_text_1_200 html here and http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_071_text_2_200 html here <br /> Edited for dust contrast and uneven border by mixpix 15 02 24 January 2008 UTC creator Ernst Haeckel 1904 public domain due to age <gallery>File Haeckel Stephoidea jpg Unedited version</gallery> PD-old Kunstformen der Natur 1904 Radiolaria |