MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...Baptiste - Portrait of Count Stroganov as a Child - 1778.jpg Artwork Creator Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1778 Oil on canvas cm 40 50 Institution Hermitage langSwitch The Winter Palace Winterpalais Зимний дво� ец 288 ГЭ-4063 http //www ...
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Keywords: Greuze, Jean-Baptiste - Portrait of Count Stroganov as a Child - 1778.jpg Artwork Creator Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1778 Oil on canvas cm 40 50 Institution Hermitage langSwitch The Winter Palace Winterpalais Зимний дво� ец 288 ГЭ-4063 http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/37758/ lng en langSwitch Госуда� ственный Э� митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/wcm/connect/dae0db54-d8e1-474e-85ca-b9e94d318095/WOA_IMAGE_1 jpg MOD AJPERES CACHEID 08da477c-112c-496d-b609-25c4454f458e Image object history LangSwitch Stroganov Palace Museum Petrograd 1923 Ст� огановский дво� ец-музей в Пет� ог� аде 1923 1 /2 http //img allposters com/6/LRG/23/2367/LJ7JD00Z jpg www allposters com<br/>3 http //www allposters com/-sp/Portrait-of-Count-Stroganov-as-a-Child-1778-Posters_i1592328_ htm www allposters com<br/>4 73452 other versions <gallery>File Saar 1952 338 Jean-Baptiste Greuze - Graf Stroganow jpg 1952 postal stamp of Saarprotektorat</gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Greuze Jean-Baptiste; Portrait male Pavel Stroganoff 1778; Hermitage Portrait paintings by Jean-Baptiste Greuze 18th-century portrait paintings in the Hermitage 1778 French paintings in the Hermitage Neoclassical paintings in the Hermitage Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganov 1778 1778 portrait paintings from France Male 18th-century oil portraits of boys at bust length 1778 18th-century oil portraits of boys at half length 1778 Boys looking at viewer in art Portrait paintings of boys from Russia Uploads by Mattes from external sources White clothing in art male Stroganoff collection of Western art
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