Keywords: GrainPrices US farm corn wheat soy 1990 2008.png lalalal Projected farm-level prices for corn wheat and soybeans 1990-February 2008 projected to 2016 Levels reflect in part movements in U S stocks-to-use ratios Corn prices continue to rise through 2009/10 as increases in ethanol production strengthen corn demand As ethanol expansion slows stocks rebuild somewhat and corn prices decline Then in the longer run corn stocks-to-use ratios fall slowly as gains in corn used for ethanol production and moderate export growth outpace increases in production resulting from generally higher acreage and gains in yields Consequently corn prices resume moderate growth and remain historically high With competition from corn keeping soybean acreage lower stocks are held relatively constant the stocks-to-use ratio falls and soybean prices remain high throughout the projections Wheat prices decline from current levels in the early years of the projections as higher production facilitates the rebuilding of stocks As wheat acreage declines in the latter years of the projections stocks decline and push wheat prices up http //www ers usda gov/briefing/Baseline/gallery/gallery2008/GrainPri gif Februay 2008 USDA US GOV pd-US-Gov Update of file Image GrainPrices_US_farm_corn_wheat_soy_1990_2008 png conterted to PNG faded projections in graph graph PD-USGov Agriculture in the United States |