Keywords: George Valentine - Te Wairoa, McRae's Hotel, Sophia's whare and Terrace Hotel - Google Art Project.jpg albumen print 1852 3 6 Scotland 1852 1890 26 2 Auckland 1890 George Male 509011 Valentine 1852 - 1890 /collection/te-papa/artwork/te-wairoa-mcraes-hotel-sophias-whare-and-terrace-hotel-george-valentine/370050/ 764751 George Valentine photographer /artist/george-dobson-valentine/4127254/ 4127254 /collection/te-papa/ Te Papa 340007 http //www tepapa govt nz/ 11/20/2011 9 00 04 PM /collection/te-papa/artwork/te-wairoa-mcraes-hotel-sophias-whare-and-terrace-hotel-george-valentine/370050/ 1886 1886 Volcanic eruptions; Ruins; Hotels silver; albumen; photographic paper black and white photograph albumen print albumen prints; vintage prints; black-and-white prints 192 370050 False 1886 1886 3/24/2012 12 24 25 AM O 030859 http //collections tepapa govt nz/ObjectDetails aspx oid 764751 http //www tepapa govt nz/Pages/Termsandconditions aspx Te Papa Purchased 2007 photographys 1880 1890 83002/inhabited place Tarawera New Zealand creation w292 x h192 mm 1886 False 1 52380952380952 Object te-wairoa-mcraes-hotel-sophias-whare-and-terrace-hotel-george-valentine Te Wairoa McRae's Hotel Sophia's whare and Terrace Hotel t 292 silver; albumen; photographic paper black and white photograph albumen print albumen prints; vintage prints; black-and-white prints Volcanic eruptions; Ruins; Hotels special url_id pgF2GOcM0bq2XA PD-old-100-1923 1890 Google Art Project works by George Valentine Black and white photographs of New Zealand Te Wairoa 1886 in New Zealand 1886 photographs |