Keywords: Garronite-171395.jpg Garronite FOV 3 1 x 2 2 mm Locality Poudrette quarry Demix quarry; Uni-Mix quarry; Desourdy quarry; Carrière Mont Saint-Hilaire Mont Saint-Hilaire Rouville RCM Montérégie Québec Canada Garronite is a very rare mineral closely related to gobbinsite which occurs more abundantly at MSH While most MSH gobbinsites have a very characteristic appearance as aggregates of striated chevrons not all MSH gobbinsite looks like that Some supposed garronite has turned out to be gobbinsite instead These very pale blue xls have not been analyzed so the ID is based on visual comparison with other garronites - which may be equally unalyzed The dark fuzzy balls are an unidentified mineral Three attempts have produced conflicting results But it's probably chlorite group Garronit Sichtfeld 3 1 x 2 2 mm Fundort Steinbruch Poudrette Mont Saint-Hilaire Rouville RCM Montérégie Québec Kanada http //www mindat org/photo-171395 html 2008-06-25 http //www mindat org/user-11235 html 0 Modris Baum Modris Baum Garronite Files by Modris Baum from mindat |