Keywords: FreggioAndPratoSpiralTunnelsBetweenRodi-FiessoAndFaidoStationsOnSouthernRampToGotthardTunnel.jpg Gotthard Line Gotthardbahn after the Gotthard Rail Tunnel Gotthard Tunnel the line passes the station of Rodi-Fiesso in a 90° left turn crosses to the left side of the Ticino River Tessin valley There it passes the 270° Freggio Spiral Tunnel in a left turn into the left side of the valley Leaving the tunnel the line crosses again the Ticino River valley to proceed a kilometer on the right valley side before moving through the 360° Prato Spiral Tunnel in a right turn into the right valley side Exiting the tunnel the line crosses again to the left valley side bridging smaller streams before passing through the Faido station and continuing the decent down the southern ramp <br> From Rodi-Fiesso at 945 m to Faido at 758 m the line drops 187 m along 8 2 km of tracks with 26 ° being the sharpest decline in this section The shortest beeline distance between the stations is approximately 4km I e the average decline was reduced by approximately 50 reducing the power needed by the locomotives for the climb The elevation data and inclination data were all taken from the figure Profile of the Gotthardbahn Gotthardbahn in Röll V Freiherr von Enzyklopädie des Eisenbahnwesens Band 5 Berlin Wien 1914 p 356 and 357 digitized version on www zeno org/Roell-1912 http //www hls-dhs-dss ch/textes/d/D3061 php Dietler Hermann 1839-10-01 - 1924-01-24 ; Röll Victor Freiherr von 1852-05-22 - 1922-10-12 1914 book or prior source predating the publication of volume 5 of Röll's encyclopedia in 1914 PD-old-80 The original German caption of the graph in the cited publication reads Abb 290 Linienentwicklung bei Dazio Grande Ferggio- und Prato-Kehrtunnel <br> No scale or legend was provided with the map other than the travel distance along the Gotthard line from Immensee indicated for each full kilometer by a small circular mark and the specified distance in km A hight information is also not provided <br> Some of the notations on the map are hard to resolve and prone to be misread or misinterpreted This includes but is not limited to the two station names and the name of one of the spiral tunnels which are the more prominent features marked in larger letter type compared to others Here the correct name is used with a possible misinterpretation shown in brackets and in the case of the two stations their travel distance from Immensee as interpreted from the data provided in the map <br> Rodi-Fiesso Station Rodi-Tiesso 97 8km <br> Faido Station F ido 106 0km <br> Prato Kehrtunnel Prxte Kehrtunnel <br> These distances match the ones currently listed for the stations in the route diagramm of the Gotthardbahn Tessin is the Ticino River PD-old Historical images of the Gotthardbahn Gotthard rail tunnel Rail transport maps of Switzerland History of rail transport in Switzerland Ticino river Images from zeno org |