Keywords: Fred Holland Day (American - An Ethiopian Chief - Google Art Project.jpg 1864 1933 1864 - 1933 6704668 Fred Holland Day American American 1864 - 1933 /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/artwork/an-ethiopian-chief-fred-holland-day-american-1864-1933/6714433/ Fred Holland Day American 1864 - 1933 photographer /artist/f-holland-fred-holland-day/6699935/ 6699935 /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/ The J Paul Getty Museum 343005 http //www getty edu/museum 3/11/2012 9 56 57 PM /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/artwork/an-ethiopian-chief-fred-holland-day-american-1864-1933/6714433/ 1897 negative 1897; print about 1905 Warriors Gum bichromate 119 6714433 True 1905 3/25/2012 5 39 08 AM lido getty edu-gm-obj42630 http //www getty edu/art/gettyguide/artObjectDetails artobj 42630 http //www getty edu/legal/copyright html Print 1890 1910 Not on display w117 x h119 cm negative 1897; print about 1905 False 1 00195694716243 Object an-ethiopian-chief-fred-holland-day-american-1864-1933 An Ethiopian Chief a 117 Gum bichromate Warriors http //www getty edu/legal/copyright html special url_id tAEwhhpFVmHgYA 1933 Google Art Project works by Fred Holland Day People of Ethiopia |