Keywords: François Barraud - Yvonne en robe de velour.jpg Artwork Creator François Barraud 1930 Oil on canvas accession number object history credit line http //bp0 blogger com/_rlbkVRdQg0w/SGpOMucCxTI/AAAAAAAAAwk/hOOD-_zjhvY/s1600-h/yvonneenrobedevelour1930 jpg Public domain under Swiss copyright law Painter died in 1934 over 70 years ago PD-old-auto 1934 PD-1996 Switzerland Switzerland is 50pma for deaths through 1942 Oil paintings of women Sitting with hands clasped Black clothing in art Necklines in art Females in art in three-quarter views Women's arms in art Velours clothing in art 1930 François Barraud |