Keywords: Francesco Bernardi detto il Senesino (Fitzwilliam Object no. P.10512-R).jpg de Portrait des Kastratensängers Francesco Bernardi besser bekannt als Senesino gleichzeitig eine Parodie auf die Kastraten Das Gedicht unter dem Bild besagt </br>Die wohlbekannte Stadt Sienna hat ihn auf die Welt gebracht und ihm seinen Namen gegeben </br>der wohlgesonnene Himmel oder himmlisches Glück seine Stimme und die Harmonie seinen Ruhm </br>Während die Großen und Reichen ihm ihren Tribut zollen </br>mögen sich die Tauben fragen worin denn sein Verdienst liegt was denn so besonders an ihm ist </br>Renown'd Siena gave him birth and name </br>Kind Heaven his Voice and Harmony his Fame </br>While here the Great and Fair their Tribute bring </br>The Deaf may wonder where his Merits spring </br>But all think Fortune just that have him sing Stich von Elisha Kirkall ca 1682-1742 nach einer Vorlage von Joseph Goupy 1689-1769 Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge Inv -Nr P 10512-R en Portrait of the contralto castrato Francesco Bernardi better known under his stage name Senesino at the same time a parody of the castrati and their singing - and the wealth they earned with it The lines beneath the portrait - in their English translation - read </br>Renown'd Siena gave him birth and name </br>Kind Heaven his Voice and Harmony his Fame </br>While here the Great and Fair their Tribute bring </br>The Deaf may wonder where his Merits spring </br>But all think Fortune just that have him sing Engraving by Elisha Kirkall ca 1682-1742 after an artwork by Joseph Goupy 1689-1769 preserved at Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge Object-Number P 10512-R 1730 http //data fitzmuseum cam ac uk/id/object/157703 Elisha Kirkall c 1682-1742 after Joseph Goupy 1689-1769 other versions cc-zero Caricatures Castrati Senesino Joseph Goupy Elisha Kirkall Uploaded with UploadWizard |