Keywords: Franc Pustavrh - Ignacij Knoblehar.jpg Artwork creator Franc Pustavrh middle other date century 19 oil canvas cm 17 13 8 Institution National Museum of Slovenia http //www nms si/index php option com_content view article id 1461 3Apredavanje-iz-cikla-rprvi-torek-v-mesecul-mimo-piramid-v-gondokoro-misijonar-dr-ignacij-knoblehar-in-njegova-reka-nil- catid 35 3Avodstva-predavanja-delavnice Itemid 51 lang sl nms si PD-old-100 Franc Pustavrh 19th-century paintings in the National Museum of Slovenia 19th-century oil on canvas paintings in Slovenia 19th-century portrait paintings in Slovenia Portrait paintings of men with moustaches 19th-century oil portraits of men at half length Ignatius Knoblecher Portrait paintings of men wearing turbans Red beards in art Portrait paintings of bearded men |